Friday, July 29, 2016

Unison-One Sound

Unison is a word used in music to describe a section where all the voices or instruments are singing or playing the same notes. It is usually the simplest form of melody and is easily recognized as the main part of the song. The word unison is often used to describe music that is suitable for beginning players. Unison is usually followed by two part, three part, and so on as the student musician grows. 

Unison is the strongest sound that a musical group can produce. When all parts are together, the message is heard loud and clear! The composer of a piece may choose to use unison to emphasize what he or she feels is the most important theme in the music for the audience to hear.

The word "unison" itself simply means "one sound". It therefore can take on a much deeper sense of purpose in its use. It no longer means music which is "simple" or "easy". Each person in a musical ensemble should strive to have their voice or instrument blend in such a way as to make "one sound" with his or her fellow musicians. It should not matter whether that person id playing 1st or 2nd part. It shouldn't matter if it is melody or harmony. If one musician tries to "outshine" his fellow players, the sound is not unison and the music is no longer desirable to listen to. In essence the more unison you become the more pleasing the song is.

We are told in the Bible to be in unison with each other.  In Ephesians 4:4-6 we find that there is one body, one Spirit, and one hope. One Lord, one faith, one baptism. Christ wanted us to be in Him as He is in the Father (John 17:21). There is one Body of Christ to which all saved people belong. Christ prayed for this. When the Body of Christ is in unison with one another, we have the strength through Christ to accomplish that which He called the church to do-spread the gospel to the world. This is the most important message in the world. God as the composer of this “song of salvation” prayed for unison in the church so that the most important message would be heard by the audience (the world He created and sent His Son to die for, so that He may redeem us to Himself). 

Another example of this is found in 1 Corinthians 12:12. Paul tells the church at Corinth that even though there are many members in one body, all the members are one. 

Verse 13 goes on the say:
                       For by one Spirit are we all baptized into
                       one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles,
                       whether we be bond or free; and have been
                       all made to drink into one Spirit.

We are one body in Christ and must make "one sound" here on earth. We must be in unison in order to truly reach the lost of this world.

Are you singing in unison today with God’s people?

Friday, July 22, 2016

Practice Makes...

In 1 Chronicles 15, we have a picture of a very important event in the history of the nation of Israel. The Ark of the Covenant is being returned to Jerusalem!! They had tried, unsuccessfully, to bring it before, but had forgotten God's instructions as to the handling of the ark. They place it on a cart and drove it towards the city. However, a well meaning Israelite touched the ark as the cart shuddered because the oxen stumbled. This resulted in his death. We may be tempted to look at this situation and ask God why he smote the Israelite, but we need to keep in mind that God has prescribed and shown the method for how He is to be approached. we can come boldly before His throne, but we must not approach Him flippantly, or without regard for who He is.

David now realized his error and had the Levites sanctify themselves and prepare properly for the return of the ark. There were singers, string players, trumpets, cymbals-so many instruments and voices! And then we come to one seemingly small detail about a man named Chenaniah.

1 Chronicles 15:22 says:
                                        And Chenaniah, chief of the Levites
                                        was for song: he instructed about the
                                        song, because he was skillful.

In the midst of all this commotion and seeming chaos, we find a man who was selected to be the leader, and we are told why as well-he was skillful. The Bible does not say that he was a natural born talent. It does not say that he was a child prodigy. Too often in churches we depend on talent alone to accomplish God's work. there is not enough talent in a mega church to compare to the ability that God gives those whom he calls to fulfill His work.

Chenaniah was skillful. I imagine that he learned music the way that anyone else did/does. I imagine that he practiced what he was taught. That he spent time preparing and honing his skills to be ready not only for the event but for others as well. He was chosen out of all of the other musicians present to lead.

To those of us who are leaders of music in our churches, this should be a big signal to us first. We should never feel as though we have arrived. We should continue to sharpen and hone our skills in music as well. If you like to lead with guitar, practice guitar. If you like to approach things more traditionally and use the wave of an arm, practice conducting and how you will signal the congregation to sing each part of the music. Do you want to slow down? How will you show the people? Will they know what you mean by how you lead.

For those of you who are part of the team, but are not necessarily the "leaders", practice as well. When we bring our offering of worship before God, it should be our best, not the leftovers we had at the end. Remember that Cain's sacrifice was not accepted partly because it was not his best. It was merely an outward type of religion with no real belief or faith in it. Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice. (Heb. 11:4) We too should seek to offer that more excellent sacrifice to God as well.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Joyful, Joyful! We Adore Thee

One word. 

So small, so seemingly insignificant, and yet it is one of the most sought after things in life. People look for joy in so many different things. They look for joy in so many different ways. People don't want joy alone, they want real, lasting joy that stays with them. 

Many things in this life try to steal our joy. We often get so caught up in the things around us, good or bad, that make up our day that we forget to stop and take joy in what we have. We try to create our own joy in life, only to fail over and over again as we place that joy in something unstable or changeable.

One hymn speaks to the topic of joy well. A hymn that has been sung, arranged, and performed in many different aspects and venues through the years. That hymn is Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee.

This week, our choir will be singing a modern arrangement of the hymn by Bernie Herms and Mark Hall. This arrangement is one of my favorites because it blends the modern and the traditional so seamlessly. There are still elements of the original music that are adorned with a contemporary flair. 

Written by Henry van Dyke in 1907, this hymn uses a very fitting piece of music-Ode to Joy from Ludwig von Beethoven's 9th Symphony. The words of this hymn express joy that can be found in God, His creation, and in the salvation we can have through Christ! 

We find our joy in God who alone deserves the glory and honor due His name. He is an unchangeable "well-spring of joy" as is reflected in a line from the 3rd verse of this hymn. Our hearts unfold like flowers-He opens our hearts to Him! Just as a flower will open to the morning sun, we too can experience joy as our hearts open to the SON! 

We have our true joy in Christ and in salvation alone. Joy is one of the Fruits of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5:22-23. It is a product of a changed life within. The Fruits of the Spirit are listed in contrast to the works of the flesh. The joy we try to manufacture in our own life does not last because only the Spirit can give true joy. We try to have joy through the works of the flesh apart from Christ, but those who are apart from Him are unable to experience the joy that only he can give. As Christians, we should not try to get joy through the unprofitable works of the flesh any more. 

Galatians 5 goes on to say in verse 24-25:
                                          And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh
                                          with the affections and lusts.
                                          If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk
                                          in the Spirit.

Our lives should no longer be caught up in trying to find joy in what the world says we should find our joy in. Our joy is now in Christ and is a product of our salvation and the Spirit within!

1 Peter 1:8 says:
                                          Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom,
                                          though now ye see him not, yet believing, 
                                          ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory
                                          Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation 
                                          of your souls.

We can have real joy through knowing and having a personal relationship with Christ! We can experience a joy that will never leave. A joy that won't fade when trials come. A joy that won't be built on the unstable foundations of this world. May this week, you find your joy in the LORD! May you come to know Him if you have not. May you put aside seeking to find joy in this world and find it only in Christ who is our salvation.

Psalm 71:23: My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you.

You can listen to a traditional arrangement here.

Or, if you prefer, you can listen to the modern arrangement here.

Friday, July 8, 2016

He Leadeth Me

When I think of some of the greatest hymns of the faith that have been passed down to us, I feel a connection to Christians of the past. Many of them with the same struggles and faults we have. Many of the same issues we face. While it is true that the specific type of issues may differ, the overall struggle and desire to serve God and to worship Him remain the same. They expressed their joys, struggles, trials, defeats, and victories in song just as we do today. One such hymn speaks to the joys and hardships of following Christ-He Leadeth Me. This hymn by Joseph H. Gilmore and William B. Bradbury expresses deep comfort to us in happiness and in tribulation.

The first line silly says, “He leadeth me! O blessed thought! O words with heavenly comfort fraught.” we can relate to these words today just as easily as those Christians of the past could. What a blessed thought that God leads us. He doesn't walk behind and push us forward. He doesn't say to us, “You’re on your own now.” He takes and active role in leading us through the times and seasons of our lives! 

Ps. 23:2b says: “He leadeth me beside the still still waters.” At times in our lives, we are beside the still waters, enjoying the pleasure of being at Christ’s side. At times, we are also led by the “troubled sea”, as the hymn says. In these times as we walk through trials, God is still with us. It is a comfort to know that God is beside us even in the hard times. His leading is constant and sure. I hope you can say today that you are aware of Christ’s presence in your life. 

Friday, July 1, 2016

Resonate Part 3

Today's post will conclude a series on the word "resonate" that I began with the start of my blog. We have already discussed the word resonate with two previous definitions:

1. Sound produced in one object caused by another. Jesus begins the work in us who, apart from Him, can do nothing on our own.

2. To have repetitive pattern that resembles resonance. We are to pattern our lives after Christ who gave us the model for how we should live as Christians.

Today, I wan to look at a last definition of resonance that not only has musical "overtones" but also architectural ones as well. the definition simply is this:To expand, to intensify, or amplify the sound of. We are to expand, to intensify, and amplify the sound of salvation to all. We must expound the praises of God, who alone is worthy to be praised.

Resonance is something that must be taken into account in architecture. An easy example is a swing. As you push, the energy is transferred from you to the swing, and the swing goes higher and higher in the natural resonance or rhythm. 

Structural resonance must be taken into account in building. Bridges have collapsed because of resonance.  Two bridges, one in England and one in France, collapsed as soldiers marched on them. The soldiers cadence as they marched expanded and intensified the vibrations of the bridges which resonated with the soldiers and eventually could no longer withstand the shaking, causing structural failure.
The tower in Taipei has a 660 ton tuned mass damper in it to compensate for the natural resonance of the building so that it does not topple over. This damper reduces stress and aides in comfort of the people inside.
Most cars have several dampers to reduce noise and shaking of the engine. 

All of these examples demonstrate a certain level of compensation for the vibration that naturally occurs due to the resonance and vibration of various materials and components. This is an awesome picture of how we are to expand, intensify, and amplify the sound of salvation and the praises of God!
Isaiah 6:4 demonstrates this resonance: 
                                        And the posts moved at the voice of him that cried, 
                                        and the house was filled with smoke.

Its interesting how the Bible speaks of natural things.The posts moved because they became resonators of the angels’ voices.We are the resonators of His glory. We resound and intensify His glory to the world around us.  

Look at Psalm 75:9
                                       But I will declare forever
                                       I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.

Just as a swing goes higher and higher as a result of natural resonance, we should as a result lift His name higher and higher. Our life is to be a lifestyle of praise. It is not a one day a week activity. We glorify God through our life by living for Him. (1 Cor. 10:31)

As Christians, God wants to use us to amplify the sound of the gospel to the world. He wants our lives to show others who Christ is. This world desperately needs to see the power of Christ and the salvation provided through His atoning death alone. There is no political, social, economic, military, commercial, or other movement or religion that can take the place of salvation through Christ. We must continue to expand the sound of salvation's call. We can best glorify God when we are doing what we were created to do: praise Him!

Our lives each day should be this:
Let all nature sing, let the earth rejoice,
We will resonate your glory.
Let all living things, praise you with one voice

We will resonate your glory.

Check out Resonate as sung by Sonicflood, it is the song that originally inspired this Bible study on the word resonate. 

Go out today and RESONATE God's glory!!