Friday, July 1, 2016

Resonate Part 3

Today's post will conclude a series on the word "resonate" that I began with the start of my blog. We have already discussed the word resonate with two previous definitions:

1. Sound produced in one object caused by another. Jesus begins the work in us who, apart from Him, can do nothing on our own.

2. To have repetitive pattern that resembles resonance. We are to pattern our lives after Christ who gave us the model for how we should live as Christians.

Today, I wan to look at a last definition of resonance that not only has musical "overtones" but also architectural ones as well. the definition simply is this:To expand, to intensify, or amplify the sound of. We are to expand, to intensify, and amplify the sound of salvation to all. We must expound the praises of God, who alone is worthy to be praised.

Resonance is something that must be taken into account in architecture. An easy example is a swing. As you push, the energy is transferred from you to the swing, and the swing goes higher and higher in the natural resonance or rhythm. 

Structural resonance must be taken into account in building. Bridges have collapsed because of resonance.  Two bridges, one in England and one in France, collapsed as soldiers marched on them. The soldiers cadence as they marched expanded and intensified the vibrations of the bridges which resonated with the soldiers and eventually could no longer withstand the shaking, causing structural failure.
The tower in Taipei has a 660 ton tuned mass damper in it to compensate for the natural resonance of the building so that it does not topple over. This damper reduces stress and aides in comfort of the people inside.
Most cars have several dampers to reduce noise and shaking of the engine. 

All of these examples demonstrate a certain level of compensation for the vibration that naturally occurs due to the resonance and vibration of various materials and components. This is an awesome picture of how we are to expand, intensify, and amplify the sound of salvation and the praises of God!
Isaiah 6:4 demonstrates this resonance: 
                                        And the posts moved at the voice of him that cried, 
                                        and the house was filled with smoke.

Its interesting how the Bible speaks of natural things.The posts moved because they became resonators of the angels’ voices.We are the resonators of His glory. We resound and intensify His glory to the world around us.  

Look at Psalm 75:9
                                       But I will declare forever
                                       I will sing praises to the God of Jacob.

Just as a swing goes higher and higher as a result of natural resonance, we should as a result lift His name higher and higher. Our life is to be a lifestyle of praise. It is not a one day a week activity. We glorify God through our life by living for Him. (1 Cor. 10:31)

As Christians, God wants to use us to amplify the sound of the gospel to the world. He wants our lives to show others who Christ is. This world desperately needs to see the power of Christ and the salvation provided through His atoning death alone. There is no political, social, economic, military, commercial, or other movement or religion that can take the place of salvation through Christ. We must continue to expand the sound of salvation's call. We can best glorify God when we are doing what we were created to do: praise Him!

Our lives each day should be this:
Let all nature sing, let the earth rejoice,
We will resonate your glory.
Let all living things, praise you with one voice

We will resonate your glory.

Check out Resonate as sung by Sonicflood, it is the song that originally inspired this Bible study on the word resonate. 

Go out today and RESONATE God's glory!!

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